Thursday, December 17, 2009


Tonight my husband and I had to go to the dreaded Wal-Mart. Now, we have a new shiny, happy Wal-Mart but we were already on the very busy road the old location was on so for convenience reasons we went to the old store. I'm telling you it wasn't worth it. It was over crowded, had undesirable people there, and worst of all was that after being in line for a few minutes the cashier suddenly said "oh, I'm closed - this is the last transaction" three carts ahead of us. Nice! Not only was the store ridiculous but I was with Dustin. I love my husband a lot but he has this incredible ability to take any process and make it take 40 minutes longer than it needs to. I mean it, he slows everything down. Take right now for instance, I need to bake two loaves of zucchini bread to give Claire's teachers tomorrow and instead I am blogging because he has taken over my whole kitchen making chili that is so stinking spicy that none of his coworkers will even be able to eat it tomorrow. Joy.

I have pictures of the cooking mess but can't find my camera cord. Check back soon!

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