Monday, July 31, 2006

You know what I hate?

I'll tell you. It is song remakes. I don't mind them in and of themselves, it is more the people who listen to the remakes. Take Cheryl Crow's - The First Cut for example. I have heard a lot of people say they like that song and almost nobody say they sure are glad Cat Stevens wrote and recorded it all those years ago. That just drives me crazy. Now there is this band called Gnarls Barkley. Don't get me wrong, I like them and their music, but they did a cover of Gone Daddy Gone. I was singing to it in a store and the clerk said he didn't know anyone had heard it yet. I explained to him that I had heard it - in the 90's when the Violent Femmes did it. I have been accused of being a music snob and if that is true I am proud of it. It just drives me batty when people hear all of these "new" songs by these artists today and have no idea of the musical history that is there.
I am sure there are many others, like the countless samples on the radio, but I gather you get the point. Please go back and listen to the originals of all of these songs you like today, you may just like the original better.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I have an illness. No, no need to send flowers or cards, it's not that type of illness. It could however prove to be detrimental, to my career. I can NOT get places on time. I swear to you, no matter how hard I try I can't do it. I say it is an illness because it is surely genetic in that my sister has it too. I am late to work even on the days I get up early. It seems when I force myself to get out of bed that 15 or so minutes earlier I am that much later. I really don't understand what the deal is. And it is not just work. I went to a friend's baby shower and I was late to that. I knew what time I needed to leave I just couldn't manage to do it. I was even the last one ready to go try on wedding dresses for my own wedding. I set the time and told my friends what time we were going and I wasn't ready when they showed up. That is just sad. I hope I do better when the actual wedding gets here! What is wrong with me? I actually get so mad at myself when I am in the car at the exact moment I am supposed to be somewhere else. If anyone has a cure for late they could share that would be great!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I HATE waiting. There are many things in this world I despise, waiting just happens to be one of them. I am an Independent Consultant for a popular kitchen company and I have recently ordered a new shirt and business cards from an outside company. Recently as in 12 days ago. I love to order things but I really love to get them and play with them. I have been checking outside the door faithfully just hoping my packages will arrive. They have not. I went to the website and the order status is "processed" not even shipped yet. Aargh!
Not only am I waiting on my goodies to get here, I am also waiting on my fiance. We are going to dinner to celebrate him getting his shift back. Now that may not seem like a huge deal to you but let me tell ya the real deal. We have been working opposite shifts for months. That means we only see each other on his dinner break for about an hour. Not a fun thing I assure you. Well, he found out today that he got his old shift back. Now he goes to work at 4am and gets off around 1pm. Just in time to rest up for his sweetie to get home around 5:30pm. At any rate, the shift change is not for a couple of weeks so here I sit, waiting to go to dinner and I am starving! Did I mention I don't particularly like to wait?

Why Sandlapper You May Ask

I am a Sandlapper. For those that may not know, that means I was born and raised in South Carolina and I wouldn't have it any other way. Don't worry, I am not going to bore you with the history of this great state in my very first time out. If you're anything like me you are just going to google it anyway.
Here is another good question you may be asking yourself; why a blog anyway? Well, the answer is simple - I was jealous. I have spent way too many hours reading other people's thoughts and wanting my own place to talk about whatever pops into my busy brain so here it is. You see, I have always had this notion that I needed my own talk radio show so I could tell people exactly how I see things. Not because I think that other people will care or change their way of thinking but because I think people need all the perspective they can get.
Now the question I have to ask myself; what in the hell am I going to talk about? Who knows at this point, only time will tell. Of course if I run out of stuff that history thing may be coming back.