Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I have an illness. No, no need to send flowers or cards, it's not that type of illness. It could however prove to be detrimental, to my career. I can NOT get places on time. I swear to you, no matter how hard I try I can't do it. I say it is an illness because it is surely genetic in that my sister has it too. I am late to work even on the days I get up early. It seems when I force myself to get out of bed that 15 or so minutes earlier I am that much later. I really don't understand what the deal is. And it is not just work. I went to a friend's baby shower and I was late to that. I knew what time I needed to leave I just couldn't manage to do it. I was even the last one ready to go try on wedding dresses for my own wedding. I set the time and told my friends what time we were going and I wasn't ready when they showed up. That is just sad. I hope I do better when the actual wedding gets here! What is wrong with me? I actually get so mad at myself when I am in the car at the exact moment I am supposed to be somewhere else. If anyone has a cure for late they could share that would be great!

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