Thursday, October 22, 2009

Never again

We took our darling Claire to the fair yesterday with our friends the Weeks family. I was planning on having a picture of our festivities but since I was so overstimulated and Claire was miserable I didn't get one done. Seriously, I know the fair is always crowded and loud but last night was ridiculous! I don't particularly like to be touched and I was touched, a lot. Granted it was only people bumping into me but I can't stand it! I could never live in a crowded city like New York. It was way too loud for Claire and people were passing her around and she couldn't take it anymore so she cried herself to sleep. Then she woke up again when we ran into some friends (you know who you are) and she cried some more. Poor thing. She was so exhausted that when we got home she slept through her dinner and went right to sleep. The hubs actually had to wake her up to feed her this morning. On a much more positive note: the funnel cake was delicious! Maybe next year it'll be easier when Claire is a little older. We'll see. Maybe.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry we woke her up! i just know she would have been devastated if I hadn't said hello!
