Tuesday, September 29, 2009

On Second Thought

Okay, so maybe I was a little bit harsh in my last post about my child care realities. While it is still true that I would much rather spend every moment with my sweet little girl than let someone else keep her, daycare is not the hopeless pit of despair I made it out to be. The teachers (that is what they're called, just don't ask me what they are "teaching" my not quite 4 month old) are wonderful and my little one really likes them. She smiles in the morning when they greet her and that warms my heart. They also give a written report at the end of the day about what she has done while I was toiling away at my job. I wasn't wrong about all of my worries though. My baby rolled over for the first time last week - at daycare! I can't believe I missed it. It is one of the first milestones in her development and I didn't even get to see it. Not only did I miss it but as you can imagine she has not done it since that one time! Mean ole baby. The only other thing I have really not appreciated since daycare started is the cold I've had since Friday. I noticed a runny nose when I picked Claire up last Wednesday but thought it was just the dreaded "daycare nose" I had been warned about. By Friday it was a full blown cold which she was ever so kind to share with Dustin and myself. Fun!

In other baby news: Claire was baptized on Sunday. It was so nice. We had about 20 people there from our family and a couple of friends to witness the event. She wore the baptism dress and small gold cross I wore as a baby and the ring my stepmother, stepsiblings, and niece wore. She also wore a bonnet my mom gave her that will come apart to become Claire's "something old" when the time comes. Cute! Fellow blogger,The Wife, showed me how to add pictures to my blog so as soon as I upload from my camera and also get the pictures from Lanaea, aka my friend that should be a professional photographer, I'll share them.

In other other baby news: My dear friend Jennifer had her baby boy last week! Welcome to the world little Thomas! I am super excited that he is here but sad that I have only seen him for about 45 seconds thanks to the aforementioned cold. Stupid cold. He is so adorable though and I can't wait to hold him again! Congratulations Russ and Jennifer and big sister Maggie!!!